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The 6 mistakes not to make to lose weight

Dernière mise à jour : 14 nov. 2019

1 - Healthy Snacks

The important thing in snacking: do NOT snack! Even if it's fruit here and there, almonds and nuts here and there... It's still snacking. And it keeps you feeling hungry a little bit all the time and does not satisfy you. So if you feel you are eating more than every 4 or 5 hours: try to understand why you eat too often. Boredom? Not eaten enough before?

2 - Super light lunch

This is the most typical mistake and the easiest to change! When you eat a lunch that is too light often in order to lose weight: small portion of fish and vegetables or mini salad with 5 cubes of ham (yuck!): you will be hungry around 5pm. Or even before.

The good lunch started with raw vegetables and/or cooked vegetables and a good dish.

No dessert!

3 - Focus on the evening

Sport in the evening AND very big dinner right after because you're hungry: bad combination. The ideal dinner is the lightest dinner possible. Soup, or small bowl of whole starch and steamed vegetables. Not easy all the time, I know. But at least two, three times a week.

4 - To train all the time / all the time the same

We need a break. If you feel that you are fed up, that it is hard, that you are no longer enjoying yourself: take breaks in your sport. Stop everything 7 to 10 days, you will not lose everything. And after a week, the desire to exercise will come back. If it doesn't come back: try something new.

6 - Count calories

Same as the mini scale that hangs around the kitchen. Do not rely on food calories, I often tell you: 400kcal doesn't mean anything. That's why I trained in micro-nutrition. Because in the long term, it is the quality of food that prevails, much more than the macro "calories, carbohydrates, fats, proteins".

7 - Never crack

One last tip!!!!! Because at the end of the day it's so important to have fun from time to time. Do not hesitate to treat yourself once in a while.

I would also recommend the Roots application that I recently tested, which allows you to eat healthy while losing weight and offers you delicious recipes. Click here to see their Website.

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