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Playing sports for better health

Who, when starting a new year, has never promised to get into sport or register for the gym? Everyone has already been through this, but in the end we all know it's for the short term, for lack of time or motivation. But do you really know the benefits of sport on your body?

Good health through sport

First of all, not to mention wanting to reach the body of your dreams to expose yourself to the beach in the summer, sport has positive effects on your health. Indeed, it strengthens the heart and regulates tension but also avoids joint problems, allows better breathing etc. Moreover, sport also has psychological effects because when you succeed in motivating yourself, you can be proud of the goals you achieve and you will see that you will start (or end) your day with a good mood.

Sport brings positivity

Sport is an excellent way to relieve stress (and yes it has been proven!) and also promotes sleep. In addition to this, practicing a sport will also motivate you to have a balanced diet because you will not want to interfere with the efforts you have made. Why do 2 hours of sports, sweat, take time if it's to finish with a fast food on your plate? No logic, of course. It doesn't matter why you practice one or more sports, whether it's to gain muscle or lose weight, you need an adequate, balanced diet. But this challenge is not always easy. Lack of inspiration, lack of time to cook etc. Especially if your goal is weight loss and not weight gain (which consists in having an overeating in order to build up more muscle.)

Sport + food: winning bet

Sport has the effect of burning the fat and calories you have absorbed. For someone who does not exercise, it takes about 1700 calories a day, while for an athlete it takes 2000. This does not mean that you should eat badly, but balanced foods in larger quantities. After reaching your daily calories, there is a sport that eliminates most of them if you want to have a really effective effect.

The most effective sports for weight loss

The rower or rower

Cross-country skiing (not always practical but effective)

The bike

The nation

Running on foot

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